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Đức Tổng Giám Mục Desmond Tutu, người nhận giải Nobel Hòa Bình năm 1984 vừa qua đời ở tuổi 90 ngày 26/12/2021 tại Cape Town, South Africa.

“Archbishop Desmond Tutu was entirely dedicated to serving his brothers and sisters for the greater common good. He was a true humanitarian and a committed advocate of human rights. His work for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was an inspiration for others around the world.

“With his passing away, we have lost a great man, who lived a truly meaningful life. He was devoted to the service of others, especially those who are least fortunate. I am convinced the best tribute we can pay him and keep his spirit alive is to do as he did and constantly look to see how we too can be of help to others.”

His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, December 26, 2021

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