
Tất Cả Trong Đầu

Xin bà ngừng hát làm ơn
Tôi nghe mà muốn phát khùng lên đây
Nói gì lạ quá ông này
Tôi đã ngừng hát cả hai tiếng rồi

Bắc Phong

(*) Thơ dựa ý một truyện đạo:

A woman was at her singing lessons. She had such a jarring voice that a neighbour could take it no more.

He managed, finally, to summon up the courage to knock at her door and say, “Madam, if you don’t stop your singing I think I’ll go mad!”

“What are you talking about?” said the woman. “I stopped two hours ago!”

(The Prayer of the Frog by Anthony de Mello, 2003)

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